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Meet the Chef: Michael Dunne

Foodie Adam: What made you want to make the change from working in a restaurant, to working in a food truck?

Michael Dunne: I wanted my own place but couldn’t afford one. But could afford a food truck. It was more of a stepping stone than anything else.

FA: When did you begin your culinary career, and where did you study? .

MD: I studied at tafe in Southbank much like every other chef in Brisbane . I first started working in a place in West end called Moa Moas as an apprentice chef in 2006.

FA:What/who was your biggest influence towards becoming a chef?

MD: I just started as a job to get out of school. But my first head chef was the reason I kept going I guess.. She (Sian Bressolles) was great. But there’s atleast one chef from every job I’ve worked that has influenced me and helped me to where I am today

FA:Where have you previously worked?

MD: A lot of apprenticeship was at Cloudland, some hotel work at Quay West, spent a bit of time at Char Char Char at Eagle Street, and at Belvedere at Portside

FA: What is your favorite ingredient and/or cooking utensil to work with?

MD: Pork, it’s so versatile man. So many different things you can do with it, it’s real good.
Tongs, oh you can’t cook without them. It’s real hard 

FA: What challenges have you had while becoming a chef?

MD: The biggest challenge, is also the main reason I became a chef. It’s much more of a lifestyle than a job. And also borders on a Filthy addiction. Cause everything I hate about it are all the things I love about it.

FA: What is your comfort food?

MD: Comfort.. Won ton soup. It’s like a big bowl of comfort.

FA: What are some of your favorite places to eat out at, and your favorite dishes from them?

MD: *pauses* .. Sunnybank, enough said 

FA: When you’re free from working in the van, what do you get upto in your free time?

MD: *laughs hard* revert back to the biggest challenge question, same answer .

FA: If you could work in any other industry (besides hospitality) which would it be?

MD: Nothing.. I’ve tried. I took a couple years off to do community work.. But once again back to the Filthy addiction thing 

FA: What is your take on Brisbanes current Food Scene?

MD: It’s a funny question, cause all through my appectionship all I wanted to do was leave Brisbane, but it’s really an exciting time to be in Brisbane at the moment. Because both chefs and customers are finally starting to create an image that is different from Sydney and Melbourne which is great. Cause the food scene is so young you have an opportunity to be on the foreground, unlike Sydney and Melbourne which is so saturated

FA: What food trends do you see emerging in the future in Brisbane?

MD: I hope that Brisbane creates it’s own trends rather than just copying the same the is going on everywhere else.

FA: Any funny moments in your chef life, you’d like to share?

MD: None that wouldn’t get me in trouble lol.

FA: Any future plans you’re willing to share?

I have plans for my own shop.. But that’s all I’m going to say at this point.

If you aren’t already, follow Michael Dunne at his food truck @forthepickles . And if you haven’t tried his food yet you really must. Some of the best fries you’ll have, and deep fried pickles  .

Every week I’ll do someone new, and if you have any suggestions feel free to msg me  .