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Junk Boat - South Bank

A reminder to any food bloggers: Always.. always lock your photos, or copy the keepers before deleting photos off your memory card lol. Thankfully I sent a few to my phone on the train ride home before I stupidly cleaned my SD card :P


So this place.. I've heard so much about. Great food, wonderful fit out, and just an overall great experience. This only issue? The stores were in the Sunshine Coast and Toowoomba, for me .. out of my range lol. But after hearing about them opening one near the city, I was excited.

First up Bubble Teas, with my hand model of the evening @dolcebunnie :P 

Where to begin.. you know a place has a lot of trust in their food and workers when the owners and main chefs all show up to the opening of a venue. I like when the chefs also enjoy the food they make, and eat it too lol. And after hearing about one of their favorite dishes.. I am definitely going back to try it 

The night, in a few words.. Action Packed.
Lion dancers, DJ, perfect collection of people.. and even the odd randoms gate crashing lol. If theirs one thing this group knows how to do, it is showcase their venues and emphasis the greatness of it.

The food.. Not gonna lie, at first I roll my eyes at canapes but towards the end of the night I'm happy we just had samples of some dishes instead of the proper sizes ( not saying I Couldn't eat them... but I'd roll to the train station instead of walking :) ) 

Something that caught my eye from the entrees, were their Gangnam Fries (junk spiced fries with house made kimchi, nacho cheese sauce, spring onion & nori). So different to my usual fries, and just packing insanely delicious flavors.

Ok ok, for the mains... I couldn't really pick a favorite. I mean the pork belly here in amazing. It's thick, meaty, fatty, saucy.. And just all the right things.. I would eat it every night if I could.

But also, the Chicken Ribs were pretty bang on. Gunpowder salt, tamarind chutney, and coriander yoghurt.. This meaty succulent chicken was amazing 👌 .

And lastly.... Ok, this crab. Kinda brought back memories of another place I had something similar (one of the Head Chefs old workplaces that I loved). Seriously in this little Bettal Leaf just packed so much fresh taste. Locally  caught Spanner Crab, watermelon, green mango, cashew nahm jim, and roe.. It was incredible, your eyes just light up .

I'm so glad to see something like this near Brisbane city. It was starting to look like the only place to get exceptional Asian food was Sunnybank.. But lately the CBD is starting to pick up some steam. 


Shop 11 & 12 Little Stanley Street, South Bank
Website / Instagram / Facebook

Chefs Ash and Ross of Junk Boat