Meet the Chef: Leon Heaslip
[Meet The Chef: #meetthecheffoodieadam]
Name: Chef Leon Heaslip
Place of Work & Position: The Charming Squire, Breakfast Chef
Foodie Adam: What/who was your biggest influence towards becoming a chef?
Leon Heaslip: I became a chef because my parents owned a café for 25 years and my mum was a chef.
FA: Where have you previously worked?
LH: I have worked in a few venues around Brisbane, the UK and in Bermagui where I started cooking.
FA: What is your favorite ingredient and/or cooking utensil to work with?
LH: Tongs….you cant do much without tongs. Chilli and garlic I always use at home.
FA: What is your favorite food?
LH: Favourite food……I’m a sucker for sweet stuff especially doughnuts but savoury i go for Thai, Indian or a good burger joint.
FA: What are some of your favorite places to eat out, and dishes from there?
LH: I go out for breakfast mostly on my days off and always on the hunt for new exciting places. Top picks would be Rogue Bistro, Pablo, Shouk and The Jam Pantry.
FA: What do you do when you’re out of the kitchen (with what free time you get ) ?
LH: Although it’s my transport to work I do like to get out for a ride on my motorbike if I have free time and also eating out on my days off.
FA: If you could work in any other industry (besides hospitality) which would it be?
LH: I’d work in the industry of being a billionaire if I wasn’t cooking. Mansions, super yachts, cars, jetski’s, holidays… know the drill.
FA: What food trends do you see emerging in the future?
LH: Food trends…’s a tough one to pick. I’d like to see the cereal café trend to take off and definitely more dessert bars.
FA: Any funny moments in your chef life, you’d like to share?
LH: As anyone would know who’s worked in hospitality.
Follow Leon on instagram at @thebeardedleon, and check out his skills at The Charming Squire (especially during breakfast on the weekend)
A breakfast burger special created by Leon, after not selecting a weekend special